
Poly-Tier Supports / Ceiling Hangers

The Model 199-CRE24EZ Accumulating conveyor uses a 24VDC motor/reducer to drive chain driven tread rollers. This conveyor is designed to handle cartons or pallets in conditions that may not be suitable for belt driven rollers. Products may be accumulated in zones and released upon request.

Poly-tier supports provide sturdy support for multi-level conveyor lines. Heights available from 36 in. to 120 in. in 6 in. increments. 1-1/2 in. I.D. (1.9 in. O.D.) crosspipe assembly mounted to 1-3/4 in. x 4 in. x 7 ga. steel support legs. Capacity: 1500 lbs. per crosspipe-4500 lbs. per set of legs. Supplied for overall conveyor widths from 10 in. to 42 in. wide. Knee braces are supplied to provide extra stability to support.


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