
V-Belt Driven Curve Light Duty Accumulating Conveyor - 138-LRC

The Model 138-LRC is a light-duty live roller curve that provides a positive drive for negotiating 90°, 60°, 45°, or 30° turns. It may be self-powered or can be slave-driven from 138-ACC, LRS, or LRSS conveyors.

Model 138-LRC Features:

  • 4 Bed Widths
  • Reversible
  • Adjustable LS-Type floor supports available

Model 138-LRC Specifications:

  • Bed – 6-1/2″ deep x 12 ga. formed steel frame powder painted
  • Rollers – 1-3/8″ dia. x 18 ga. galvanized roller (12″ to 18″ OAW) and 2-1/2″ dia. tapered to 1-11/16″ dia. x 16 ga. galvanized, and 1.9″ dia. x 16 ga. galvanized straight roller (24″ OAW)
  • Overall Frame Widths: 12″, 15″ , 18″ , 24″
  • Capacity – 150 lbs. (distributed load)

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